During the pаndemic, Diddy covered rent and offered relief to support over 175 families in Miami

Diddy (born Sean Combs) is making a significant impact on the lives of Florida residents who were at risk of losing their homes.



Just days before the new year, the entrepreneur partnered with the Sean Combs Foundation to help nearly 200 Miami families pay their rent. The Grammy-winning artist also offered direct support in the form of cash, gift cards, and essential items such as personal hygiene products.

To further uplift the community, Diddy collaborated with Teens Exercising Extraordinary Success (TEES), an organization dedicated to providing stable home environments for youth, shielding them from negative peer influences, and guiding them toward productive, self-sufficient lives as future contributors to the economy.

Together with Michael Gardner, Headliner Market Group, and Miami-Dade County Commissioner Keon Hardemon, Diddy and his team of donors joined forces for this cause.


In April, a month after COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, Diddy invited celebrities worldwide to participate in his virtual dance-a-thon, which raised over $3.4 million. The funds were donated to Direct Relief, a nonprofit organization supplying medical aid to underserved regions. The money was specifically aimed at supporting Direct Relief’s efforts to assist those impacted by the coronavirus crisis.

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