Elon Musk and Bill Gates’ long-running fight has taken a new turn. Tesla’s CEO and owner of Twitter (X), Musk, has told Gates that he could go bankrupt if Tesla’s price goes up 200%.
There have been fights between the two billionaires in the past, and things reached a peak in April 2022. Musk said that Gates had asked him to make a charitable contribution, even though Gates had a big short position against Tesla. Musk turned down the offer, saying that Gates seemed to be acting hypocritically by supporting climate change charity work while betting against a company working to solve the problem.
Even though Gates said sorry for what happened, the damage to their relationship was already done. Musk has now said that if Tesla’s stock went up by 200%, it might put Gates out of business because he has shorted the company.
Someone on Twitter shared a screenshot of a tweet that the millionaire had made in 2023, which made Musk say what he did. Musk said in the tweet that Gates’ short bet against Tesla would only pay off in a big way if the company went bankrupt.
Musk said that Gates had bet a lot of money against Tesla when the company was at its best. He also said that Gates was hypocritical because he supported environmental causes but bet against a company that was trying to stop climate change.
The fight between Musk and Gates is still going strong, and Musk’s most recent words have made things worse. If Tesla’s stock went up by 200%, the car company would be worth more than Apple and be the most valuable in the world. Musk said something that might happen, but only time will tell.